Unfortunately I didn't get a Easter basket on Sunday from the Easter bunny.... Instead Rich popped the question...and I got some Easter bling! I won't lie, I have pretty much had an idea of what I want our wedding to be like for some time now, and don't worry I have run this all by Rich and he is on board. I really want the venue to be something rustic, a old church or a barn, with a lot of natural elements, nothing fussy. I love this Martha wedding its simple but so cute at the same time. This week I hope to feature a different barn wedding everyday.

This is a lovely CLEAN barn...the key is going to be finding a barn that is strictly used for events rather then animals.

I love the idea of having people sign this quilt instead of the typical picture frame mat everyone does these days.

These are place cards that guest pick up as they go into the reception. I like this because it takes all the guess work out of where guests are supposed to sit, and they are not aimlessly wondering around trying to find their place card on the table its self.

I like the very country combination of red and white.

Simple vases of flowers and candles line one long table.

I have always wanted one long table...but there are pros and cons to having both a long table or groupings of round tables...I'm not sure what I will choose.

How cute is this for a kids table! They simply covered it with butcher paper so the kids could color and entertain themselves.
Click here to see more pictures from this wedding
I LOVE this, Callie! It's beautiful and looks like a Callie wedding.