Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Twin Beds

I slept in a twin bed from 4th grade until last October...I love them! Here are some really cute ones. I especially love the upholstered ones.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Rich and I are obsessed with sushi...I know I use the word obsessed a lot...but we really do love it! On Monday and Wednesday nights Shogun has three dollar rolls.... Now Shogun is a chain restaurant but the sushi is still really good. If you want a more local place and are in downtown Chattanooga try Sushi Nabe it is excellent!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Weekend Project

This weekend I CLEANED CLEANED CLEANED! While cleaning I decided to organize the cabinets over my washer and dryer and just spiffy up my laundry room. Here are the results!
Taking everything out of the cabinets to start organizing...

This cabinet used to be in my kitchen but I moved it into my laundry room awhile back but just threw things in there and never really arranged anything.

This is a great little sink my dad put in but it needs some dressing up.

Cabinet #1 before
Cabinet #2 before
Cabinet #2 after. I was able to throw a number of things away in both cabinets and just added a few plastic containers from Target to hold random items. I don't know about you but the little cup that is used to measure the laundry detergent always gets soap on it and then gets on my cabinet so I added a little saucer to help keep the mess to a minimum.

Cabinet #1 after

The sink area after. I hung this picture, a frugal find from South Eastern Salvage above the sink and then added a little greenery to soften things up. I want to hang a towel rack over to the left so it will become a more functional area.

My little green cabinet just needed some TLC. I just rearranged things to make them look more appealing.
The whole project only took me about 45min. and $8.00 from Target and looks so much better!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Cook Book...

I don't really cook that much, but when I do I like to look through my Better Homes and Gardens cook book. It is very user friendly with easy recipes that don't call for crazy ingredients and spices you will probably never use again. It also has a great section called cooking basics which has really useful information. Maybe I will dust it off can find something yummy to make!

Thursday, June 24, 2010


If you have not seen the show Hoarders on A&E watch it, but not while you are eating... you will be sooo grossed out! But it will make you feel better about the small pile of laundry that is sitting on your sofa waiting to be folded... I am not going to post any pictures from Hoarders because they are too unsightly! Instead let me leave you with some CLEAN organized spaces!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

New Blog-Sunday Suppers

I just discovered this blog Sunday Suppers http://sunday-suppers.com/. They have really good recipes and cute ideas for entertaining. And HAPPY FATHER"S DAY!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Too Cute

These persoanlized wedding forks are just so cute!

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Thursday, June 17, 2010

Bon jour

I apologize to all my followers who I can count on two hands....that I have not posted anything in a week! I have been so busy! Last weekend my mom and I had a yard sale which was more work then just taking everything to the Goodwill.... And I have been trying to get some wedding stuff done. It feels good crossing things of my list...makes the whole thing much less overwhelming....considering I have said numerous times I wish we had just planned on having fifty people in back yard with BBQ..... No but seriously it will all be worth it!

Tonight Rich and I had dinner at Public House in downtown Chattanooga and right beside the restaurant is the cutest store, Revival Uncommon Goods. Unfortunately they were not open, but I did peer through the windows and everything in the store was very neutral, rustic, and unique and I cant wait to go back when they are open. Here is their website-it's not nearly as cute as the store (actually in my opinion they really need to work on it...) But still cute stuff!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Basil is one of my favorite herbs. Rich planted two plants in my garden spot and it is so nice just to be able to walk out the door and pick it fresh. Last night I added some to a frozen Kashi margherita pizza, the extra basil made it so good!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

9 By Design

I am obsessed with 9 By Design on Bravo!

Courtney and Robert with their 7 kids....have a successful design business Sixx Design.

I love the effortless look of their country house!

Monday, June 7, 2010

Summer Goodness

These are just a few pictures of mom's flower/herb garden and my brother's vegetable garden. My mom has many different flowers both perennials and annuals and tons of yummy herbs basil being my favorite.
Christopher has planted four raised beds full of squash, zucchini, okra, cucumbers, tomatoes, beans, and a variety of lettuces. In the pictures you will see how much the garden has grown! Tonight we enjoyed the fruits of his labor. For dinner we had fresh green beans, sauteed squash and zucchini, toc salad (which is marinated peppers, onions, and cucumbers), and a pone of corn bread...YUM!
Mom's flower and herb garden
My mom and her fave digging tool!

Cute trellis we found at Lakewood 400

Christopher's raised beds

The squash leave have trippled in size!
Queen Ann's Lace

Wednesday, June 2, 2010


There is nothing better than sitting on the porch on late summer evening with family and friends!