Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Feeling Crafty

  I am hosting a baby shower in June and this gorgeous garland made out of coffee filters by Pam Garrison would be so pretty draped here and there.  Click HERE to see how Pam made hers.  

Friday, March 25, 2011

Lettuce Eat

The only thing planted in our garden at the moment is lettuce; I can't tell you what variety it is....  But nonetheless I picked some tonight for a salad and I have to say it was rather tasty! 

Happy Weekend!

Friday, March 25, 2011

From the Porch

Rich took these lovely photos from our back porch.

Our porch backs up to Audubon Acres Nature Sanctuary so we always have tons of birdies!
 Our Barred Owl...we hear him and his friends all the time!
 Nest #2!  In addition to the nest on the front door we just found this one in a flower pot around back!  It is a little Wrens nest with 4 eggs...we've obviously gone to the birds!
Our pansies have finally started to flourish with the warm weather.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Spring Extravaganza

Spring Extravaganza here we come! It is official! Mom and I are heading to Ohio in May for the Springfield Antique show in Ohio; I booked our hotel this week.  With over 2,000 dealers, we are sure to find something ...right?  We are just so tired of not having any good antique/junk places here in Chatty that we are looking elsewhere.  I am very excited and need to put together a list of things I really need!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekend Finds

Saturday I hit a couple thrift stores around town and today I talked Rich into driving to Lakewood.  I have to say that this months Lakewood was not the best...there was lots of stuff, just nothing that I just had to have...I only spent $1!

 Vendors outside
 Checking out a pewter pitcher; While there were things I liked...not loved, I just could not bring myself to pay the price...
 Nice primitive cabinet, love the color.

 This was a cute booth.
 Cute chair covered in burlap.  I want to try something similar to this but not with burlap; Rich insists it won't be comfortable...I do agree, I think I am going to use a painters drop cloth.
This was a really neat little porch swing.
 So here is my loot!  A rusty shovel from Lakewood, white vase, and 4 milk glass plates in the shape of grapes from the thrift store.
When we made it home from the flea we were welcomed by two baby birds!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

What's For Breakfast?

I never have time to cook breakfast during the week so I always try to cook something on the weekend.  I made a quiche this morning.

Spinach Chicken Quiche

1 deep dish pie crust (deep dish is a must)
1/2 cup cooked spinach (drain well)
1 cup diced chicken
1/4 cup chopped onion
2 eggs lightly beaten
1 cup swiss cheese
3/4 cup mayo
3/4 cup milk
1/2 teaspoon basil
Pepper to taste
* The recipe does not call for it but I added 1/2 cup mushrooms, you also could a some pimentos for a bit of color.

Mix mayo, milk, and eggs together then add remaning ingredients stir, then pour into pie crust.  Bake at 350 for 40min or until golden brown.

Friday, March 18, 2011


I have been wanting a flat wooden ladder for a long time. 

 Love this!
 Here is all 12ft of mine!  I bought it at an estate for $3,gotta love 50% off Sundays!
 It was used alot because it is covered in tons of white paint.  It is so long I am thinking of hanging it on a blank wall in the master bedroom or cutting it and just proping it up...I will let you know what I decide.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hutch Phase #1 - Cleaning

Here she is!  My wonderful estate sale find...that will soon find a new home in my dining room.

I am going to replace this plywood with beadboard
The middle of the hutch...
Cute latches
The cabinet was in the garage and was full of greasy tools, paint, and "man stuff."

Me and my wonderful helper!
That was before the rag was really dirty....
The supplies
She has been trained well :)
Pure filth....
The free pencil sharpener that came with my cabinet!
Even though I doubted her, Mom was able to sucessfully remove the sharpener, thank goodness!
Sparkling in all her glory...but she still has a way to go!  I am so excited about all the extra storage I am going to have!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Unexpected Guests!

I came home from work this afternoon, started to unlock the door, and a bird flew up in my face!  I looked in the basket I have hanging on the door and saw what I thought was just the beginnings of a brids nest.  Three hours later Rich comes in the door and says, "that bird just flew in my face, I am going to throw out it's nest." This coming from a animal lover....!  I (the non animal lover) say, "No, no that little bird is working so hard."  Rich took the basket off the door and low and be hold there were already eggs in it so of course he could not throw it out!  Look how cute they are!  

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Work In Progress

This afternoon I worked on the arrangement behind my sofa which is very much still a work in progress.  Although there has not been a dramatic change, there are some subtle ones.

I still obviously need to fill the huge blank canvas; I am think of having my brother sketch a nature scene or bird on it (suggestions welcome).  Then I need to add a little something above the frame on the far left...a small plate maybe.

Although this sconce does not work, the chippy white paint and design are great.
Sheet music that I bought and a estate sale, 25 cents for a whole book!
I wanted to leave the platters where they were because I liked them so much and wanted to minimize the amount of new holes I has to put in the wall!  So to change the look, mom had the brilliant suggestion of adding numbers to them!  All we did was chose a font in MS Word that we liked, printed them out, and glued them on.

Supplies used: nails, hammer, scissors, glue, and sheet music.  Cost 25 cents...I used what I had and I am really please with how it is coming along...

Funky Junk's Sat Nite Special