Monday, July 30, 2012

Happy Birthday Lou Ann!

 Tonight we celebrated Rich's aunts birthday!

 We had dinner and a show at a local hibachi restaurant.  Lou Ann loved the show and got a special birthday fruit bowl complete with a pink paper umbrella!  We finished the evening with cake at our house.

The birthday girl!

I was really happy with the way the ombre cake Chloe and I made turned out, and Lou Ann liked it so that is really all that mattered ;)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Weekend Happenings

 Chloe and I spent the weekend baking!

I am sad to say that until Sunday I had not used the mixer I received as a wedding present once.  I am not a big baker but may turn into one, everything is a breeze with my mixer!

We made cupcakes that looked more like gigantic muffins from SAMS because I filled them too full...they were ugly but tasted good.

Next we worked on a ombre cake for Rich's aunts birthday.

We tinted the cake different shades of purple.  More pictures to come once the cake gets cut tomorrow!

Finally we made this peanut butter pie from Souther Living.

Loved sporting my apron ;)

Sunday, July 29, 2012

This Time Last Year

Looking at these pictures is so exhausting!  
This time last year we were literally eating, breathing and sleeping demo, demo, demo at Twin Brook.

Before we even closed on the house my "to do" list was 7 miles long.  Here is a look back and what we were doing last July.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Country Hutch

My estate sale find finally has a permanent home in our new house.  When I bought she was in need of some TLC.

After a good scrub, she was ready to go to Papaw's for some repairs and a fresh coat of paint.

We added a piece of beadboard to the back and painted it a light taupe.

Here she is in my dinning room.

Love this picture of my great uncle Paul in the garden at Frawley Rd.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Count Down To Home Cooking...3

My blood pressure has been through the roof all day!

My amigos arrived and immediately started speaking in Spanish.  I waited patiently then finally had to ask what all the fuss was about.  They took one look at the pantry side and said they needed a third guy to help get the granite in place.  Okay, no problem, call for a third guy right?!?  Well they decided they would try to put in place themselves.  I was on pins and needles since this piece weighs around 344lbs!

They got it in with no problems!

These guys are good!

Here are a couple pictures(all my pictures lately are from the Iphone, sorry if they are blurry it is just so easy to take pictures this way).  I still have to get a faucet and handles for the cabinets.  I should have had these picked out along time ago but I am the worst at making decisions like these!

I am beyond thrilled with how the counters have turned out.  The whole process went really smooth!
More pictures to come!  Hopefully tomorrow we can get those holes in the wall covered up...

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Granite Install

Rich put on the bead board tonight and I laid down cardboard to help protect the floors during the installation.

 I have had major anxiety about the installation all week.  On Tuesday I dreamed that they added some coating that turned the whole slab yellow....  Then I started thinking what if they broke my slab and try to install something that looks similar...  Then Rich told me to snap out of it!  Ha, I will be so glad when tomorrow is over and we finally have counter tops!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Count Down To Home Cooking...4

Everything but cooking has been happening in the kitchen!
The island has been plumbed and wired, the sink trial fitted, the stove/dishwasher have been delivered, and I have picked out the paint color for the bead board that will go around the island.  Now we are just waiting for the counters to be installed on Friday!  Pray everything goes smoothly!