Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Joys of Home Reno!

Please let this be the last weekend we have to paint....

We are finally painting all the closet doors and doing a few touch ups here and there.

Hope you all are doing something fun!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Black Fox Farm

This summer our friends Katie and Bryan got married!

The wedding and reception were held at Black Fox Farm in Cleveland, TN.  When Rich and I were planning our wedding this venue was number one on my list but unfortunately it was book solid!  So I was very excited to go to this wedding and take everything in!

The newlyweds!

Before the reception we had appetizers and mini coca colas on the lawn.

So cute!

As we made our way to the old dairy barn for the reception, we passed this garden shed and immaculately kept grounds.  

I failed to get a good picture of the outside of the barn while it was still daylight, but you can see that the sides of the barn are constructed out of old field stones.

Love this chippy white table for the "guest book"

Since Black Fox Farms is also a nursery, plants are everywhere!  Couples can choose what plants they would like to use and they are brought up from the nursery to the barn for decoration.

The table centerpieces were simple bouquets, love the peonies!

Along with wedding cake we enjoyed a candy bar.  This doubled as a extra dessert and  favor!

The boys

Love these lights and this boy ;)

The inside and outside of the barn were so pretty after dark, lots of white lights!

More peonies

A photo booth with props was set up outside the barn for guest to take pictures.  Two pictures were printed immediately one copy went into a scrapbook for Bryan and Katie and the other to the guest.

We sent the happy couple off with sparklers!  The whole wedding was so picturesque and the barn at Black Fox is the perfect rustic wedding barn!

Sunday, September 23, 2012


  I am a planner so I am especially loving my birthday gift from Marissa!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Weekend Happenings

 Rich will be entertaining you this evening through this blog post.

Last Saturday, we decided to throw away 100 years of technological advancement and travel to the city of Chickamauga ("Home of the Civil War!"-Callie) by rail. My grandfather joined us, and while he enjoyed the trip, he has made hundreds of trips by train as he worked for the railroad for 40 years, so it was a bit of a bore for him in that regard. Nevertheless, the train ride was enjoyed by all. Instead of commentating each photo, I think it would be much more interesting if the reader filled in the blanks with their own idea of what is happening. I will fill in one AT RANDOM to give you an idea of what to do. Enjoy!


Monday, September 3, 2012

Fall Bucket List

This is what we hope to enjoy this fall!  What is on your list?!?

Monday, September 3, 2012

Weekend Happenings

 We started our Labor Day weekend early!  On Friday morning we headed to Greenville, SC. 

We wondered in and out of shops downtown and made our way to the Historic West End where we visited Reedy Falls.

This waterfall runs right through the middle of downtown and is in the center of the park surrounded by beautiful landscape!   How nice would it be to take a morning stroll through this park everyday!

This brick building was right across from the park and would make a great spot for a wedding reception.

After a day in Greenville we headed to Clemson for Rich's cousins wedding.

 The bride and groom both went to Clemson and  have tons of school spirit so it was only fitting that they get married on campus! 

Everything was set up so cute with tons of flowers that were grown in the brides parents garden!  They were so brave to grow all the flowers and make all the arrangements themselves! 

Instead of the traditional guest book they had this print made and everyone signed a leaf!  So cute! 

I loved the bridesmaids outfits.  They wore green and white striped skits with white blouses.

Both the bride and groom are architects so groom designed and built the arch they got married under!  So special!  I hope they find a place for it in their backyard!

The cake not only looked good but tasted good as well; each layer was a different flavor!

All of the cousins on the brides side.

Everyone had fun playing games after the ceremony!  It was a wonderful wedding weekend :)

Congrats Julie & Luke!