Monday, May 28, 2012

Weekend Happenings

 Hope ya'll had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend!

We spent some time on the North Shore with Adam and Rebecca while they were house sitting.

Friday night we ate tapas (very small appetizer size portions) at Terra Nostra.  

 The food was good but.....

We had to go across the street to Good Dog to get full...embarrassing I know!

The hot dogs were soo good!  I got the fajita dog!

The tables were made by Cabeen Originals and each one had a hole in it to hold fries.

So cute and handy!

We finally got enough to eat and  were able to sleep well.

Saturday the boys got up early went fishing on the Tennessee River.

It was a hot but beautiful morning.

After we picked up the boys Rebecca and Adam made a lovey breakfast.

We had English muffins with ham and poached eggs drizzled with hollandasie sauce and a yogurt parfait!  So yummy! 

After breakfast I ran through the Knitting Mill, a antique mall on the North Shore.

A couple things caught my this wreath made out of sheet music. 

Iron stone of course.

Grain sack pillows and milk jugs

Love this chair covered in grains sacks and burlap.

Sunday the family got together and we cerebrated Memorial Day early and all of the grads is our family.  Everyone graduated this year!  Rich graduated from UTC, Christopher from Chattanooga State, Kayce from High School, Chloe from 8th grade, and the younges,t Ally from 5th grade!  So proud of them all!

We kept it simple with flowers from the garden and the cutest place mats.  The only thing that was missing was the feed troph I got last year at Springfield.

It was the girls quickly found a way to cool off!

On Memorial Day I just enjoyed being home!  Cooking, cleaning, decorating/rearranging, oh and cleaning up from the flood...our silly washer overflowed twice!  I (yes, Callie figured out the problem and fixed it!)  I was determined!  It took me about a hour and half but I was able to trouble shoot and fix the clogged tubing and we are back in business! 

Lots happening this week!  The new vanity drawer/countertop is coming on Wednesday and hopefully the kitchen cabinets will be here as well.  We are just waiting on a phone call from IKEA to schedule the delivery!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Happy Memorial Weekend!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Laundry Love

Monday, May 21, 2012

There Are NO Words

A picture is worth a thousand words...

This is pretty much how I feel right now about my master bathroom vanities.  

I was looking at them today and just noticed that the sinks don't have overflow holes!  I called the cabinet maker who provided the top and they tried to tell me that they do not put overflow holes in the sinks....okay.... then why is there a drain channel in the sink casting for a overflow hole?!?  I also asked about a delivery date for the new drawer and counter for my make up area and I got well I think a week or vague!

  This is the last thing I am going to be in charge of.  Rich has got it from here on out....I can't take it.  Everything I have done that has to do with construction has been trouble.  I am sticking with picking things out  for the house; however getting them here and installed is up to Rich!

All that said, if this is my biggest problem right now, I have it pretty darn good!  

Thanks for letting me vent ;)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Weekend Happenings

 Chloe graduated from 8th grade on Friday!  Next year she will be in high school, so hard to believe!

Chloe with her her friends.

Emery and Chloe

Saturday Rich and I got a early start and had breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

Who knew you could get something other then eggs and bacon there. 

Next we hit up a couple stone yards to look at potential countertop options.  I am not a huge fan of granite.  I do not like all of the little specks.  I prefer something with movement.  However, it is one of the most practical and durable options with a decent price tag.

This is Giallo Ornamental, Rich really liked this one.

This is what I like!  I adore this marble slab, but at 60+ a square foot and with a possibility of staining, it was not an sad.  I just love the look of it with the white cabinets, such a light and clean feel.

This is a granite called Silver Cascade.  The red is the reflection of my shirt and not in the granite.  I liked this one because it had a lot of movement like the marble. 

However, we ruled it out.  I think it was a little to contemporary for us.

Giallo Ornamental made it home with us. and I think it goes really well with the wall color and the cabinets.  Now we just have to choose a slab and get it installed on top of our cabinets that should be here by the end of this week!

We made one slight detour to the junk yard. 

They had a couple mantels but nothing big enough for our fireplace.  We came out empty handed but it was still fun to rummage around! 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Happy Friday!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Bathroom Update

 I thought by now I would be showing you a 90% done master bath.  But as with everything I have been in charge of on this renovation, things did not go smoothly at the install!  The cabinet installers brought the vanities in and what do you know...they were not lining up with the light fixtures.  I am going to leave it at because the story is rather long.  

I am having to have a new center drawer cut for my make-up area as well as a counter top.  But this is what we have so far.  Phillips plumbing is schedule to install the toilet and the fixtures next week, and I hoping Rich can hang the mirrors this weekend.  I will be doing a "lessons learned" post at some point.  I am not sure I could ever deal with building a house.  Although I guess if you have a builder it would be different...

The walls are not yellow.  It just looks like this because I took the pictures with my phone.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Wedding Season

Wedding season is in full swing!  Rich and I went to a super cute and rustic wedding last weekend.

The long gravel drive reminded us of our own wedding.

The whole wedding was held outdoors on a lovey piece of property called The Last Frontier.

Instead of a traditional guestbook, guests could write a message to the bride and groom on a wooden heart.

The actual ceremony took place on the this pier overlooking the lake.

After the ceremony we walked up the hill to the reception.

The food was cooked on site!

There were strands of lights throughout the tent along with these cute mason jar chandeliers.

The decorations on the tables were all different and very simple.

The tables with flowers were my favorite.

Loving this monogrammed birch paper vase!

This was the view from inside the tent.

Groom's Cake

Wedding Cakes

Now to what I think was the best part...the food!  Pulled pork,bakes beans,smoked green beans, mac and cheese,mash potatoes, sweet coleslaw, and a corn muffin.  The food was cooked on site by a company called Smoked.  I can not tell you how good it was.  This was probably the best pulled pork plate I have ever eaten and I have eaten a lot!

Aren't these chairs so sweet?

There were personal touches all around.

Congratulations to Marshall and Ashlee!