Wednesday, August 29, 2012


 All I can think about is how ready I am for fall!

Monday, August 27, 2012


Monday, August 27, 2012

Weekend Happenings

Last weekend we celebrated Rich's grandparent's 67th Anniversary!

It was so nice to spend time with the great aunts from Kentucky and cousins from Alabama!

Rich's grandparents were so sweet opening their cards. 

This weekend we attended Star Night, which is a benefit for Siskin Children's Hospital here in Chattanooga.

Me and Josh!  He put on a great show and had all the ladies swooning with his deep voice!

We finished the weekend off with a salmon caesar salad that Rich made!  Yummy!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Count Down To Home Cooking....2

Before and After....

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Jack

 Last weekend we celebrated the first birthday of a super sweet little boy named Jack!
His mom Jessica did a fabulous job with the party.  She made all of the baked good and I think Martha would be proud! 
 The party was super cute, here are a few pics!


Monday, August 6, 2012

Friday Night Lights

Okay I know I am super behind but I am obsessed with Friday Night Lights!

I can not turn it off Netflix :)

Monday, August 6, 2012

Happy Monday!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Weekend Happenings

My weekend started on Thursday with a trip to Crossville, TN for the World's Longest Yard Sale.  On Friday we hit Lookout Mountain and ended in Fort Payne, AL.  While both days were a lot of fun, we enjoyed our route through Crossville much better then the one through Alabama.  Crossville has a lot more "tent cities" which are open fields with many vendors in one location, where the Alabama route was a lot more house yard sales which means you are in and out of the car more then I care for.  If we go next year we are going to start in Nashville and work our way down to Signal Mountain. 

I am really happy with my purchases although there are a few things that I wish I would have bought but held off thinking I would find them on down the road at a better price...wrong!  If you see something you have been looking for my advice is to go ahead and buy it.  Unlike the flea market where you can go back and visit a booth there is no going back on the yard sale.

Day 1 Total -  $46.35
This includes a 8 place setting of holly Christmas dishes.

Day 2 Total - 16.50

We definitely had to work for them, by getting in and out of the car and haggling with vendors but,I think we found a lot of good bargains which is one of the reasons I love the sale.  There is no way you could go to the Flea and find these deals :)

Rich hung my mirror in the powder room.  I am going to give it a fresh coat of paint but could not wait to get it on the wall.

We also got the curtains hung!  These curtains have been a fiasco.  I have been waiting since April to get the 95" panels (they have been out of stock at Target).  They finally got some more in and I ordered them immediately.  I opened the box for the first time tonight and 4 out of 10 were 84" NOT 95" which I ordered!!!  Thank goodness I did not need all 10.  So all this to say we finally have curtains in the living and dining rooms.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

More Yard Sale

 Today's highlight was definitely driving through Mentone, AL.

We stopped at Moonlight Lake Trading Post first.

We had a bite to eat at the Moonlight Bistro.

Wonderful chicken salad with a side of pasta.

Now to the best part!  There are the cutest houses/cabins up there! 

This is a terrible picture of this house, but mom made me get out and take pictures in the garden so I didn't want to look like a crazo, and start taking close ups of his house.

Snapped this one of the out building from the car...

To the garden! 

So cute! I love these raised beds!

Now on to the details of the yard sale!  We started out on Lookout Mountain. TN and we made our way to Fort Payne, AL.  I have to say that I preferred Crossville, TN to Signal Moutain, TN rather then the route we took today.  However, we did find some treatures and met some sweet people along the way.

Here are my finds from today.

I can't wait to put my red dominos in a bowl at Christmas and Valentines!

My favorite thing from the whole sale is the cloth measuring tape.  It was given to me by a 92 year old lady who was in the highest spirits.  When I walked up to her house she greeted me with a smile and a warm welcome.  When my mom asked her how she was she said, " Well I was able to get out of the bed and eat my breakfast this morning, so I am feeling blessed."  Words we should all live by!  She was so sweet and I just know she used this measuring tape to sew many a dress and probably a shirt or two for her husband.