Thursday, April 14, 2011

Book Club

I am not a big reader at all.  But I thought it would be fun to start a book club and I will be honest, I liked the idea of the social aspect of it more then the reading part!  We have met 3 times and completed two books so far and it has been great; I highly recommend it!  The first book we read was The Hunger Games it was so good, I had to read the other two in the series but they definitely can stand alone if you are not up for reading the whole series.  I can't even explain what the series is about you just have to read it!

 Sarha's Key is the second book we read.  It takes place in occupied France during the 1940's and follows a little girls journey during the Holocaust.  It will make you tear up!  

 Our current book is the Lace Reader, which I still have not read...I have to get busy!

So all this to say that when it is my turn to choose I am going with Something Borrowed by Emily Giffin.  I think it is time for something light and fun and there is a movie with a fantastic cast! 


  1. I can't believe you didn't include our club name in your blog! Anywho, I'm excited to read your book choice, and I've already placed a hold request on it at the library.
