Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day

My day started at 3:30 AM this please don't judge the fact that I have already finished a whole pot of coffee! Why up so early? Well Rich got up to check on the weather and reported back SNOW! So of course since snow here in Chattanooga is so rare I had to get up and take a peek. Then naturally the question arose, do I go to work or not? After a couple phone calls I got the good news, no work! Unfortunately, Rich had to go in so I made him a "workin man's" breakfast and sent him on his way, with strict instructions to call as soon as he made it. He arrived safely! With Rich at work and no place to go I started cleaning... It is now 11:00 AM and my whole house is really is amazing what you can get done when you wake up early! Right now I am taking a little break looking at the February issue of Country Living Magazine, below are a couple pictures, I love all the "neutrals". Well I'm off to re-organize our closet!


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