Saturday, July 30, 2011


Callie has brought in a pinch hitter for today's blog...This is her husband Rich!

We got alot of work done at the new house today....all layers of flooring that needed to come up for the hardwoods are up! We've still got some subfloor that needs replacing but that shouldn't take too long.

Here's some of the hired help:

The plywood under the linoleum in the kitchen had an INSANE number of nails in it...we calculated approx. 850 nails in a 12x15 ft. space

Taking a break and supporting America at the same time...

Here's my sister patching holes, or possibly making them, can't be sure.

Homeless man taking cover from the rain in our backyard

Ernie is doing nothing constructive here, he just REALLY likes sparks.


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